Two Birds

The sky was unusually clear. Blue slowly woke up after three months he shook his wings for the first time. Next to him, Red was waking up too. It has been a long time since they have seen each other. They both noticed their surroundings were alarmingly still.


“What is the last thing you remember?” Blue asked Red.

“I’m not sure. It’s weird not hearing the Falcon´s shrieks” Red said in a confused voice. “The last thing I remember was my family being taken while I was hiding in the trees. The falcons were taking control of almost all of Europe. They were attacking city by city and the bald eagles could not stop them.”

“Such horrible times,” Blue said with a saddened heart. “I heard they raided the nest right next door. I am glad that Mr. Hoo took me in on time and hid me. I could have been taken away. The thing is, I do not know where my family is at this moment, and I will have to look for them.”


There was a faint cry. “THE WAR IS OVER!” This was heard in the distance. Both Blue and Red looked all around to see where it had come from. “THE WAR IS OVER!” It was Alf the pigeon. Alf, before the war, was in charge of spreading news all over the city so people know what was going on.

Blue and Red flew over to talk to Alf and they asked what he meant by the war was over. “Just like you heard it! The bald eagles took over Europe and the Falcons are all going to jail!”


Blue and Red could not believe the news! The war was finally over. It had been five years that Hovle had taken power and had attacked all of his neighbors. Hovle was a very charismatic and very charming falcon that had and ideology that they were the best and that the small birds were infecting their ecosystems.


Blue and Red both squawked with excitement. “I have to look for my family!” Blue was considerably worried because he had stopped hearing from his family for some time and feared the worse.


Blue looked for three straight days and finally found his family. Momma Celeste was in tears and exclaimed, “This is a new beginning.”

The end.


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