The ones I left behind


The ones are left behind 


The first I left behind

I didn't  really mind

Simply because he wasn't mine


Who should care for a seed of another

I always felt he was a motherfucker 

So stupid, so weird, so lame

I'm not his father, he has not my name


The next one is a dimming love

That at one point I thought was from up above

Turns out she has bad ways

I simply couldn't stay


I am bored with her face

It is one I must replace

She has grown ugly and old

Now I feel quite bold


I will spit on her dreams

I will get away clean 


The last one I left was the hardest yet

My baby girl 

This one I fret

I love her most

But I've been a good host


So I bid thee farewell

It sure was swell 

But my life is my own

And I won't let you hold me here

Or at least without fears 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

He left

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