Michael Brown was caught on tape pushing a clerk and stealing Cigarellos. Shot to the face by police officer for stealing a cigarette. Don Lee said "...Wanted, wanted (little boy) stole some lemon and lime popsickles..." It has gotten better and worse. Life is tough right now, two wars, now ISIS. Deprivation and hopelessness drives people to homicidal actions and depression can lead to all kinds of strange behaviors. I think about the sound of the shot that will kill me. The bullet entering my skull before it bursts and I fade to black (pardon the pun).
Religion says we should love those who hate us. I guess I will have to also love the gun and bullet that end me. I would rather think of squirrels and trees and flowering shrubs, the big boats passing up Lake St. Clair, the Canadian Geese feeding, my grandson's smile. Instead, I think maybe it will be today. Some kid with his daddy's shotgun saying, "There's one. I got this."
The damage is done, the psychological trauma becomes fear. I'm glad I'm 64 going on a hundred - I've lived my life and such a death would be quick. It's always there, the threat, and not just for me, for all of us. Bullets stray, hit little babies in their living rooms. Imagine the pain of a mother, a father, near kin and friends grieving over a three year old killed by accident from a drive-by. Still, teenagers are just beginning to learn what living is and deserve more than death by head wound from a police officer.
The grand jury is convened to hear the case of Michael's death. Justice in such cases, usually is just another word in the dictionary. I will overcome my fear of being killed for sport or whim or craziness or youth misunderstood, but I doubt I will ever forget Michael lying on the concrete for three point five hours without his mother being able to approach and identify the body. Lack of sensitivity and education and experience or ability to see beyond jus another a dead body is unthinkable. The body should have been moved as soon as possible. The professionals, the Chief of Police, said it was to make sure the evidence was not mishandled and they were being thorough. I don't know what the officer who did the kill is thinking right now. Where am I going to work cause here is not possible anymore or something like that is probably first in his thoughts. Cops don't do well in prison is probably up there in the tope five. Prayer.
His lawyer clarified that the report that the officer had been severely beaten and his eyesocket had burst was not true. Video of the officer going to the hospital showed him in little distress. The hospital records will assuredly go to the grand jury. Is it me or is a lot of this just stupid bordering on (fill in the blank)?
I don't want to think what the people of Ferguson, Missouri will do if the officer is found innocent. It costs $300,000.00 per hour to carpet bomb ISIS, the New York Times reports. I think that kind of money invested in people and messages of "Do not kill your neighbor's kid today" would be tax dollars better spent. I fear a world without law. I fear that this or something like it could happen to any one of us. - I'm Just sayin'.
Lady A