Crash The Dollar

Crumbling Planet


Unscience based Crash Theory: Kill The Dollar. It has outlived its mandates, did not fulfill its democracy purposes, and is out of control being manipulated globally. All debt would vanish, I think. Bartering anyone, gold not just a place to stash wealth. 


No usa dollar, like no electricity, we'd freak. Cheap gas and no cash, no credit, or no banks. Worse: no McDonald's, Starbuck's, or grocery store runs. Usa could turn in its rubles  for gold! No more billionaires - they'd move to their Islands or live on their yatchs.


What 2008 was supposed to do, 2024 might (of course an election year). 33 trillion in debt, usa is in big trouble. Global times would require a paradigm shift, a financial/fiscal climate change because Covid virus taught us: Once you stop, its hard to get working poor moving again.


Lady A



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