Uber Rebellion

Crumbling Planet


It begins. Flood economy with cash into inflation, tax the poor and collect back all that fluidity? Not this cycle. Soon as that cash hit the banks, cash and charge cards paid rent, their cell phone and amazon, Netflix, and then bought a new car as an investment. Who knew? the Pentagon can not spend that much extra payola without a war. Hey Russia!


The lower middle and down lows are poor and the uber rich have their interest rated temporary cash flow. The conglomerated monopolies and corporate health and food entities just gobbled up what the government printing presses provided. A phyrric victory disguised as a stop-gap measure until Covid blows over. Necessary? Yeah. Imbalancing the bottom lines? Yeah.


War again? Only if the Ubers (who profit from war directly and indirectly) ante up. usa's debts must be paid and the trumpian as ally in the big chair will not work if he is in Federal prison, the one for rich people with the jacuzzi. 


You can not be small governments my dear  pharmaceuticals. The Constitution says so. The reckonning is coming soon to an uber corporate entity near you. Amazon, you gargantuan, time to break up - same for internet greedy usurpers. You can have all the money, but who will buy? So, not good corporate citizens, the boycott will restore capitalism usa style. It is time to be taxed uberly. Government's job is to keep wealth distributed not bottle necked via corporate petitioners. We will march on you otherwise, believe me. Voting is about to end as a power shifter. We will simply stop buying.


We watch you as our bank balances steadily diminish. Biden may do it. Republicans won't. This is an economic dilemma. Stay tuned for  the exciting conclusion. If the dollar  is allowed to die, it takes the world with it. It is tax collection week.


The full open cheap financing spigot is being turned toward drizzle. Wall Road and the economy are two different bedfellows in two different beds. keep checking in on developments.


Lady A


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