Beginning Of WWIII?

Scitilop Politics


Not a time for self-absorption and meisms, Russia wants ukraine. Flood region of a neighboring country with propaganda, develop and exploit nationalist and historical cultural bonds, like what was done in Crimea, then take over. That will not work this time, Vlad.


usa has troops sent to support NATO countries in the region. Various kinds of defense postures are being made by countries bordering Ukraine and Russia. Interestingly, with missile capability, traditional warfare may not be what Russia has in mind. Consider China, North Korea, and Russia (Crimea/Belarus) as the new Axis countries. Japan and Australia are not happy with concept of anyone taking over Asia. Hong Kong and Taiwan are frowning fiercely.


WWIII - climate change get in line. We may do in ourselves. Time to read your favorite Dystopian novel. Sci-fi authors have visited that dark fairyland often. Less for the sensational impacts in nature like telepathic dogs, rather for tips on how to treat radiation poisoning - see Cherynobyl, the docudrama.  Propaganda anyone: What countries suffered increased rates of cancer following the Russian power plant meltdown ironically called (The China Syndrome)?


Wednesday, 02-23-22's stock markets should be interesting to watch. Russia is using the euro in international trade, dollar use down 50%. Russia is stockpiling gold. The question is, with those pick-up sticks, how can Russia affect global markets? The definition of  the word "Interest" just annexed another connotation.


To be watched.


Lady A





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Too far in to stop, high price - let us hope not too backed in a corner high.


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