Future Shortages

Crumbling Planet


The price of one orange adds

to the absence of already low nutrition offerings this winter and come soaring prices for green leafy vegetables from western usa - lettus world capitol. Time to farm indoors. How did the orange groves of California fare post the big bondfires? Anyone? Will wineries add to inflationary pressures in the cork?


Well off or off the charts wealth will kill the eagles on the currency. End dark money: let us restore transparent negotiations pre-Hill. Floods, power outages, fires are a metaphor - eroding, vanishing institutions. Who is in charge? Hint: Not the people. The give em cake crowd came in through the bathroom window. One person, one vote - Let's try Democracy - the Primary vote by usa citizens vs. corporations. Money will still be speech, just not at the candidate's bank account. Ha!


Polit-Speak clumsy, at the start, gains insight through dialog. Fear kills creativity and, along with international shortages kills millions. Right now we could use a dose of creative and innovative thinking before absence and shortages and not available become our daily litany.


Lady A


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This proved prophetic, huh?

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