I could absorb your anger with a small
kerchief, whip it into a Qt-tip sized attempt
at vitriolic speechifying, and slash your
little rantings with a sword of truth that would
make onlookers gasp and you pay
I could take your attempt to make me
hurt, as if you owned power and I
none, and throw it into a big pile of vacuum
where it was born and where it was invisibly
destined to return.
I could take all of your name slinging
and douse it with having more hatred per
hour slung at me than you have experienced
since before the birthing table that was a
shame and after your funeral attended
by no one.
I could imagine a world without you, but then
the world would be an uninteresting and peaceful
place. You are graffittii; walled, anonymous,
and cowardly. You are a hider and act only
when there are no witnesses.
I could imagine the horrors you
have experienced, the molestations
and abuses personified into such a befouled
character. I can imagine a rant so big, your
mind would shriek and vanish.
I could imagine words as stones
or sticks like curses, and I would be able
to write the epitaph below each poorly
constructed spillage of, "I am better than
everyone who does not bow to me?"
Here lies the first and best example
of not much really. He died the way he lived,
condemning some group or other to prove
he is superior.
Lady A