No clouds or angels with wings
compose the after breath domain.
There too will be an absence
of gates and guardians.
White is a color
and will have no space
to fill there. Like bliss, a
human thing, joy will
have no dominion.
There will be no mythical
or supernatural revisitations
to watch beloveds, no interventions
from another plane to make them
safe and warm or wealthy.
Atoms will not exist as corporeal
components of anything, air
will be cousin, void friend. Without
weather, no seasons will blossom
and wilt, freeze or heat the hands.
There will be no hands.
God will still be everything
and The Son of God will still
be everything, including
The Spirit and what I become.
You will suddenly one day comprise
that too when the proverbial trumpet
blares and fire consumes every item
once created by the proverbial
Him or the contemporary Her.
Flames being the best creation, eternity
will not be the designated place for
torture and eternal pain. Those are stories
to fill the collection plate. This Heaven
is one the faithful and unfaithful
can believe in. No one will go to either
an imagined or actually painful Hell.
Redemption, as we know it, will
be the only rule, universal as all God
concepts. Every good book says so.
Every self-proclaimed vision or
self-professed trance says so. Why?
Because it is Heaven.
Lady A