Reasons People Will Not Take Vaccine



Allergies, conspiracies, bad internet press day, waiting longer to see outcomes, distrust of science, afraid.


Courage is in part defined as going in knowing the danger is real and could kill you. I have 7 decades behind me, some have 40-70 years ahead of them and they want sure proof unequivacal certitude the vaccine will shield. Not a cure - a thin defense against choking to death. This is one ugly truth. With the jab you could still die.

World-wide doctors euthanize because out of oxygen and choking slowly to death is a horrendous death. Wealthy nations did not anticipate this? Is this, therefore a cruel human culling? The don't give 'em cake ploy. Us first, yeah, ask EU. Fear is a great driver, the ultimate motivator. How frightened are you right now? If the jab a placebo, it works (TESTIMONIAL #62,629). Greed is kinda up there trumping fear. Promise each usa citizen who ever worked and paid taxes or inherited social security $1,400.00 and Wall Street turns into yeast.


As always, we watch, wait to see what facts are adjudicated as consumable for the general public. It is sink or swim time, but if science gets it wrong, billions might drown.


Lady A



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