
Vintage Words


I fell down a different kind of rabbit hole and landed here. No goal was worth this, no plan gone wrong or right merited so much inside this today hour as now.


Long ago, around thirty feisty targeted calendars, it occurred that here is not as advertised. The world was invented, set afloat here, a reputation not equaled ever, afloat like a thought, a human brain, a mental construct, a rogue idea. 

Never say inside an unconscious moment more life is actual, or like Alice's cat, in and out, leaving behind scraps of molten time. Sensed, that haint glimpsed at the corners, those fragments that return unsent for. Know what was always and already known. To be human is nowhere close to the definition.

Life as moraless frees. Not fettered by old sages with limited genius as word symbologists. Liberty was once a statue with no copper to tarnish. Remember the art of remembering. Dance on the top of the pinhead that is barely balancing on a pinhead.


Lady A

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