Requisition For Anesthesia

A New View

Beginning with parental controls,
the don't do list is long and longer
into the 20's and 40's. Inured
because of love, unable to ignore
the voice that gave rudiments
and fantastic encouragement 
for firsts and tries and failures
and how to survive in a world
with few rah rahs.
Then it gets serioiusly thick.
Laughter follows the patronizing,
the do this or elses as if a rod
to the shanks will become
occurance and habit from one
not actually loved, just known.
Humans love the smell
of ownership and the stench
of do as I tell you because I am
in charge of your thinking and can
do it better and faster and more
well than anyone else here.
It has a mouth out of synchronization
with the mores of the world around it.
It is loud and mostly crass, rudely wrong,
and assumptive that everyone exists
to please it and do exactly as it sneers.
As if a loud voiced director is needed 
to school children in firsts. A way
to make the world conform to your
express will simply gently descend
on deaf hearing eventually.
Marvel at personality as dictator
and only authority demanding you jump
and bow and obey. Oh, how sad. No
one listens after an hour of brow
bitching. Written off as a waste 
of skin and vocal chords, a consensus
is opined that such fat lips are better
when still and silent.
Lady A

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