what happen to your mind

whats happen to your mind

from the begining we know about it

we know about how much time we have

even then we didn't worry about it

we wait for a call

we decided that we going to learn dance together

to make our dream true

we have to take step

we were happy

we were excited

we were together

don't know whats happen to your mind

is your mind stop taking signal

you know how i reach there ?

the ground was shaking

i was shaking

so i can reach there

we learned together

whats happen to your mind

from the begining we know about it

that we don't have time to learn it

but we thought if we love it

so we can learn it

os whats happen to your mind now

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is about my friends that we decided to learn dance even we know that we don't have time but we decided to learn it but i don't what happen to them now..what happen to their min

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