crazy class


sorrow free

known because of some crazy student

makes teacher crazy

because of all this my class known

and we like crazy ideas

in every melancholy condition

we filled our class in such a sound

that gloomy situation disappear

love to study in our way

and make every moment remember

want to give those memory to each other

even we want forget we can't be forget


when our vice principal bore us

and we don't know how we will survive

cause we so silent at that time

like she past our mouth and our body

that make our movement silent

she makes us bore

but we have no choice

we have to listen her straight

at that time some crazy students

gives our life back

to make that period

full of effects

we take a breath at that time

yes we move at that time


this is my crazy class

which everytime full on motion 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is my class

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