it wasn't just a dream

it wasn't just a dream

i was want to get it

and till now i don't forget it

to access that i do what ever i can till now

want to become a lyric writer

in my band

this is a dream to a make a band

but i don't know why you guys forget

nothing can stop us

to make it true

i tell you this so many times

the fear of exams

the fear of study

the fear of parents stop you

that fear in me too

but i didn't stop my step

cause i love the sound of wind

that following us everywhere

to make our mind back there

it flow here and there

cause we change our mind everywhere

the sound of rocking drums

the feeling of violin

the cracking sounds of guitar

the wire of our lyric

because of all this my step can't be stop

so why you guys stop


we decided to do this

dream to make a band

it wasn't just a dream

it was a mixture of our voice and sound

Author's Notes/Comments: 

make my friend remember what they forgot

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