to complete that word

what should i do

to complete that word with you

i'm waiting for the completion of that word

i'm not waiting for the word love

i'm waiting for the word friendship

that friendship is lost somewhere

due to misunderstanding

i need you to complete that friendship word

my friend

waiting for you and think everytime

hope you come back

to complete our true frienship

i need to complete that word with you

i just don't want to listen that word

i want you to understand it

you can't just lie to me

that you understand


i'm not trying to find that

where that friendship word lost

i'm trying to find

where those two friend lost and

their love for eachother

their feeilngs for eachother


that is i'm waiting for you

to complete that word with me

that friendship lost somewhere

due to misunderstanding

Author's Notes/Comments: 

its somewhere connected to my life

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