My father´s cigars

My father´s Cigars

My father start smoking at the age of 40, he had all this wooden boxes with cigars inside, those large cigars take like two hours to finish, one day I said that those things where going to kill him, he told me to don’t worry that it was his hobby and he really enjoy it, Some nights he went outside to smoke a cigar, siting in the yard, with his feet on the table playing music asking if someone wants to join him, some nights I came into the house and there was my father with a cigar on his hand, listening to music, and watching how the smoke went up,  sitting alone thinking things that no one know, my mom sleeping, no one in the house, but he was there sitting, even in cold nights, or with al the mosquitos he was there sitting. When we go on vacation almost every night, he went outside and light up a cigar, asking if someone wants to join him, one night I joined him I grabbed two beers and we started talking, some of the birthday’s of my father I try to give him what he calls his hobby, those cigars have a lot of types, so it is hard to decide.  In all the Christmas nights he had to bring one of his cigars, with all the cousins playing games, and al the uncles filming tapes, my father was there smoking a cigar.

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