Spinning out of control

Trying to escape my past, my horrors, and the problems that I have created.
When you lose interest in the things you once loved to do, a red flag should go up in your mind. However the red flag can easily be over looked when your to preoccupied with the unknowns of your future. Have your life spin out of control is a horrifying experience. You want to put your arms out to slow it down but it doesn’t work. You sit frantically trying to clear your mind of the past, and of the future. Trying to live in the now is so hard for someone spinning out of control. Thoughts pour into your head so fast that you can’t even pick them out. It’s like a strobe like of thoughts. You get so frustrated that you begin to get anxiety and have panic attacks. There was nothing more peaceful than hiking the trails and listening to the birds sing. That is gone for me. Hiking the trails alone only gives me the opportunity to overthink. Getting help is the first step in trying to slow the spinning down. Confronting your past and moving on is another step towards slowing it down. This is the hardest step. I am still at this step. Someday I hope to enjoy all the things I use to.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My anxiety and panic attacks just started for me at the age of 48. looking back there were signs of it years ago. I was raised not to share emotions so I kept everything inside. After 48 years and 1 incident too many I finally broke. It was the worst feeling ever. It felt as if there was 1000 pounds of weight on my chest. It was hard to breath. I have really bad headaches and get sick to my stomach. I am tired of living like this so I’m doing what I need to do to help myself so I then can hopefully save my marriage.

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