Alejandra Padilla A01136407
It’s the end of the world.
Mama rabbit open her eyes, it was eight in the morning, but there was not a sign of light. The winter was near; you could feel the cold in your nose and ears. It’s curious the rooster hasn’t sing. Papa rabbit still sleeps and Mama started to worried about. Her baby rabbits were weeping asking for food to her mother; Mama Rabbit should go outside to find some fresh carrots for them. Nervous, she wakes up Papa rabbit asking him to go with her. Papa and Mama Rabbit frightened jumped outside of the den, all was dark there was not a star in the sky. She couldn’t feel the wind, neither a whisper of life. After jumping for a time, they finally found someone. It was an old turtle watching a big red stone near a pond.
Excuse me old man, me and my wife are worried, we can’t found no one, you know what is going on? Said Papa rabbit
The turtle didn’t answer; he still was watching the big red stone quietly, he didn’t even turn to look at them.
Turtle? Do you hear me? Where is everyone what is happening? Can you help us? Papa rabbit said
I’m sorry, I can help you both, I’m as stunned as you are, and this was supposed to be my home, where the big rock is now.
What are you saying? Are you ok? Where is your home? Papa rabbit said
Did I was that slow? I’m too late? The turtle said.
So slow? Too late of what turtle? This not make sense, I’m confused.
Didn’t you know? Some birds told me, all the animals were supposed to meet at the big lake the sooner as the rooster sing.
The big lake? Why? But the rooster didn’t sing. Papa rabbit said.
Even the coyote was afraid of. The moment I found out I walked as faster that my old cranky legs let me. My family, I couldn’t reach them. Now the sun is off and my home is above this big red stone.
Before he finish to talk, Mama and Papa rabbit jump as fast as they could to get back to the den and to their kids. The turtle watch them and yells in the darkness:
Even that both of you are faster than me, I don’t think you are faster than him, the end is would reach you!
They couldn’t find their home, all they could see was a big red stone just as the one that the turtle was looking before.
It was the end. It was the end of their world.