Alejandro Azcárraga
Sick of Power
A big shinny sun came out that Saturday evening. It was the perfect day; the meeting of all the animals should proceed that Saturday evening. The squirrels were running through all the forest, the big horned antelopes were jumping without stopping, the hippopotamus, being on of the laziest animals in the region, were swimming without thinking it twice. It was that Saturday evening when there was no rivalry between animals, everyone was laughing, jumping, runnining, swimming, things were getting a little out of control. There was happiness in each animal raze, crocodiles weren’t looking for whom to hunt, leopards were not hidden under the big green grass, elephants were not afraid of mice and birds were flying in the clear blue sky. It took just a moment for the lion to take the lead, there were no excuses, he was and he’ll continue as the king. The lion was the maximum figure in the forest, actually, he gathered up animals that Saturday evening. Good news was going to surprise many animals in the jungle. A baby lion was arriving; he will be the new king of the jungle. This was good news for all the animals, except, obviously by the great Gorilla, he was the intelligent animal. Many animals think that the Gorilla was very negative and unhappy but everybody knew what the Gorilla is capable to think and what he was seeing for the animal in the future. The Gorilla thought about the leader they had, the most powerful animal in the world, but what would happen if one of the lion dynasty, didn’t comply with the animal expectancies, which would grow generation through generation. “I have seen since dinosaurs, to lions” said the crocodile, “and nothing was even close to what the Gorilla thought”. Several years passed in a blink of an eye. The gray cloudy sky announced the storm. The jungle was crying for the lion’s death. That meant only one thing; the cub was preparing to rule the kingdom. Some thought it was because he was not ready; others thought it was because he had a difficult time, some other animals even thought that he was just playing with them. It all changed when the lion’s son sent the hugs to hunt his prey, bring it to him, and nothing was rewarded. It changed the way animals thought about dynasties, dynasties that we do not see anymore because of that reason. The poor little lion was alone and they never hunt him just because the respect they had for his dad. The Gorilla’s thoughts weren’t so wrong, the lion’s kid was sick. Sick of Power. The moral of the story is that the most important thing a leader can have, is humility. Humility wins the respect and the confidence of everyone that could follow you.