Left Alone, Accompanied All The Same

I have walked in silent company,
Deafened by their words.
Wandering aimlessly
I have been followed by them,
Deafened by their words.

They tend to me in good health,
Evermore once ill.
They have brought me joy
And swallowed me in darkness.
Still I listen, and my body complies.

Oh, how softly their words drown all
Yet again, I am deafened by their words.

Most seem afraid,
Fearful of what they might say
Lest they too, become deafened.

Though I may be deaf,
All of your words are heard by me,
Those which you have spoken
And those you daren't utter.

They call out to you
And yet, you hear them not.

Undeafened, you proclaim freedom
Whereas I, am bound by their chains.
Their wisdom knows no age,
No face
No name.
So why must you shun them? 

Their screams are but a whisper
I heard and became deaf
Quite selfish of me.

My aimless march
Points clearly in one direction

All the while,
A compass misguides you

Listen to them,
Become deaf to the world
And hear all.

Your greatest companion 
And most effective weapon,

So hear you are.
Left alone,
Accompanied all the same.
And so we go

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