Just where can I start to explain this man,
Who has so influenced my life
You see, I met this man many years ago
A quarter of this century, + 1
We didn't know each other very well,
In the beginning
But it did not take long
For this special love to grow
I can only guess the look on his face
When we first met
(So proud and happy) He is smiling ever so sweetly at me
I am yet unaware
The things he must be thinking have changed his expression
He looks worried and troubled
But I do not understand yet
Many years later I will know what has caused this mixed reaction
This man is ever so gentle as he holds me
The words he speaks reassuring and comforting
The years pass - some very slowly
And others remarkably fast
We are getting to know each other - almost to well
The likes and dislikes quite apparent
By now I am gaining many fond memories
Of times spent together
Like the time Santa came to visit and I wasn't dressed
Ohhhh, did I ever make a fuss
Or the time I was surprised with a "Pony Ride" for my birthday,
Or that funny Mickey Mouse Cake
I vaguely remember the move to the big house
Although a chubby little boy named David comes to mind
Oh! And the Bumble Bee car - better yet
The rides on the "fins" of the Green Cadillac
But I must confess my favorite rides
Were on the middle bar of your old black bike
Many a time did we ride together to your work
And you would always delight me with an "Orange Crush"
We took many outings together
Many to the newly painted green cabin at Fish Lake
The trip we took to Vernal to see a real "Dino" (the dinosaur)
Or to the Four corners and the hidden Indian dwellings
Then there was the ride through Big Rock Candy Mountain
And how about the flash flood we got caught in
What an adventure we had when we rode the train to Durango
Or marveled at the Snake River and "Old Faithful"
Which brings to mind the childhood delight we had
When you said you grew up near "FART" not "Fort" Hall
We traveled back to Jim Bridger's valley
A far cry from the fantasy of Disneyland and Knottsberry Farm
And on that trip to the play on the Pacific coast sand and surf
Only to find "NO TRESSPASSING" signs on a dirty beach
And who could possibly forget the trip to Hoover Dam
Or the "tumbling tumbleweed" who got thrown from a horse
Many a time did we all venture out on some grand adventure
Some better than others but all memorable
The years pass by and the relationship and I have grown
My independence really being put to the test
As life so happens, some things make us happy
And too many make us sad
As I spread my wings to fly, many times faltering
Sometimes even crash landing
But a survivor am I – to get back up when down
And more cautiously try again
Some of my choices were very hard to understand
And yet you were always there
You made me laugh, when I'd been crying
You spoke words of encouragement when I saw no hope
You unselfishly shared your love
When I felt only pain
You have stepped up and helped me
In so many, many ways
You were my greatest source of inspiration
An example of strength with the birth of Aliscia
And when my son Chris was born,
You once again stepped forward, with your "shadow" close behind
You were beside me all the way with the birth of Megan
Your quiet reassuring presence - calming
Many a time have I called upon this man for his strength
His faith and words of wisdom and guidance
How do you thank a man
Who has picked you up after you seem to once again fall
How could you not love this man
Who so freely and unconditionally gave you his love
What do you call this man - Who has so influenced & inspired me
With love, courage, inner peace and personal strength, forgiving in nature, patience, honesty, compassion, humility, faith, a charitable heart, a true and deep understanding of our Heavenly Father's eternal plan, a man who lives by example - the pure love of Christ...
who loves me inspite of myself
and accepts that I am who I am
but knowing that through him
I have been richly blessed
What do you call this man..... FATHER