Look into the sky
And wonder why
All we can share
Is in the air
I breathe in life, exhale death
And hope that we can share a breath
But that is not enough
The air is not enough.
Look into the sky
A moon that shows in daylight
And wonder if you see the same
Moon glowing through the dark of night
Like moths drawn to the same flame
And for a moment to share a sight
But that is not enough
The moon is not enough.
Look into the sky
And feel the earth move beneath my feet
Somewhere you may stand beneath
The other side perhaps who knows?
Still you feel the same earth between your toes
Soil, pebbles grass and such
And that is when we share our touch
But that is not enough
The earth is not enough.
Behind a screen you hide
And for no one else to see but me
I’ve heard you laugh and I know you’ve cried
For something more than what we have
Because what we have is not enough
What we share is not enough
Look into the sky above
And suddenly am without a care
The most important thing is love
And love is what we share
Each moment of everyday I look into the sky
And remember why
Love is all that matters
And love is enough.
Love’s always enough.