Darkness and Light

Beautiful Dawn-

how fair thee?

How did you sleep,

did you dream?

Did the Sandman

find you in good health?

Did he bring you

your desires, your wishes?

Did he free you

of nightmare visions

so you could rest easy?

Not I, he did

me no good at all.

I dreamt of hell

a house full of cockroaches

crunching beneath my feet

And a love never meant

to be.

The years have done me

no good

Just left me with

this desert dry land

my private wasteland

that makes me broken promises

unfulfilled wishes

and dreams I will never reach.

Oh, beautiful Dawn!

Alas, let me look in your eyes

and glimpse into a world

I can never live in.

Let me smell the flowers

of your happiness

And feel the presence of

your God.

For I lie in the dark

shadows of the night

And will never be able

to bask in the beauty

of the day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Looking into the heart of light, the silence.
Od' und leer das Meer."
- T.S. Eliot

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