I belong to a future that is
not meant to be.
I can taste the sweet destiny of a
life I cannot live.
Life consists of so many paths, but
you can only travel down one road at
a time.
There are no do-overs, no going
back to where we left off or going back
to how things were before.
We can only trust that our hearts, our souls,
have the right sense to guide us down
the road which we call fate.
(Because out heads cannot.)
And when we reach that fork in the
road - this decision always lays so
heavy on one's heart.
It doesn't matter what path you take,
the rest of your life you will spend your time,
questionsing, asking, wandering.
What if I would of taken the high grounds?
What if I would of taken the low ground?
Would I be where I am now?
Would I be better off? Would i be worst off?
But the truth is there is no right way,
there is no wrong way.
There is only your way.
But if you do not make these decisions for yourself
can you really define yourself as an individual?
If the life you live is not your
own, if the ideas that churn inside your mind
do not belong to you
then why even continue down this road?
Wouldn't you be free-er jumping off the side of a bridge?