Lights On

Lights off;


lights on;



two halves of me

form a wholly incomplete;

mirror image in a

glassy reflection.


the man behind,

i see-

I live with, in disharmony.

jealous, of his 

outside foe, 

he curses-

most vehemently.


and every time

us two do meet,

he begs; to be 

in the life

I lead.

for he-

lives in a world 

of dreams,

and yearns- 

to feel reality.


he wants mine.

and i want his.

this ___steadfast line___



and if the chance

us two shall switch,

we'll find our own

nirvana, niche.


but wishing does not 


for i row in the 


on this current of oil.

standing still 

in time.


we meet this night

i plead my plight.


i am not. 



he asks,



i scoff;

i vent,

"...the end is nigh."


to him, of here, i say-

you dream of here so gay...



every second 

more people die


the papers read worse 

each day.


we eat like pigs,

we live in homes,

we count our cash, 

and count small woes.


and of bad things we do write poems.

like how we lost our keys or phones.

and out we go to buy a new thing

convinced of the goodness that they do bring


and in my land this is the "mind"

a capitalist breed of the purest kind.




across the world 

they live in shirts

they're glad 

to find some food in dirt


and of bad things they do hurt.

like how their dreams are most inert.


and to this...


we'd say its not our fault and sigh

we tried with what we had

and are we righteous in that lie

when most are barely sad


theres no excuse

for fraternal abuse

not god nor prayer can aid

to change the system we have made


where beliefs form thrones

and to each his own.


all for .one. for all 





for (most) desires cater 

at all's cost


so here i lie 

with dreams that soar

i have so much 

and want much more.


but not for me


i want your side

a place of peace and love in stride

where every desire has healthy start

and equitable hope is in every heart


oh what a joy to be!


perhaps you'll dream me 

a mental boat

to plow my stream 

on your thoughts that float


and then we'll like 

what we see in the mirror

for i'm sure 

each day we'll see it clearer


and together 

we'll find 

our worlds will blend

a fated heaven and earth 

we'll mend



lets stop the cause 

for the hesitation

and steer the course 

for our destination


Light off;


Lights on;


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