Mirror mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall

These words we heard when we were small

A story of a witch with a tainted heart

And a beauty from worlds apart

A story we see everyday

But this time it isn't evil's turn to fray

As good seems to fade away

And our best isn't enough to make it stay 

Heavens no longer give a helping hand 

Making the world perish as we stand 

Sounds of barking hounds fill the air 

Yet we do nothing but freeze and stare

Stare at what our actions have done

Grave enough not to be swept away by the sun 

Tell me mirror, Is the fault our own?

Whoever hasn't sinned can throw the first stone

Have we reached the point where we sin without hesitation

Alas, we justified our eternal damnation

Mirror mirror on the wall

I wish I could once again be small

Abdelrahman Magdy. 

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