A Night Out

Nick and Zack are brothers, and they have been partly together and separate a couple times. While Zack is adventuring himself through college, Nick is studying high school in a structured institution, a military academy. For the last few months their bond has become improved since their life interests are similar for their first time in a long time. Luckily for them Nick takes a plane and meets with Zack at their hometown. They hug and play around for some minutes. Zack explains what he has been planning for Nick´s visit. The first plan is spending some time with their parents, but as the night surges, the brothers´ mind focuses uniquely on how their fun is just beginning.


At the moment they place a foot on the dancefloor, their cardiac rhythm accelerates and their smiles reflect the lights at the club. The brothers have a drink after the other, and the night embraces them with great memories. However, excesses take control of the events, and Zack cannot seem to find Nick in the crowd. At first he considers the possibility of Nick being at the bathroom, so he waits longer. After 10 minutes, Zack looks around every corner, there could be a possibility of Nick being with a girl. Nonetheless, for Zack´s surprise his brother was nowhere to be found. As a result, he leaves the place to find service and call his brother. Signal was poor causing Zack to cuss all over the place. Zack started yelling


“Nick, where are you?”, “this is not funny”


Zack, agitated, approached some people that seem to be working there. He provided information about his brother´s physical features, but the workers were busy and not really paying attention.


Zack went back into the club; all his system had been clear from alcohol due to the scary situation he was going through.


The moment he went back in, the crowd was going nuts! Everyone was jumping around cheering on to a guy standing on a table. The guys had taken off his shirt and had downed a couple shots. Zack couldn´t see this guy´s face, so he assumed it was Nick. With heavy steps, Zack pulled the guy down from the table, the crowd booed him. He smiled when he realized that it was not his younger brother making a fool of himself.


His phone service finally worked, and he got a message from Nick.


The text said, “meet me at the restaurant next door”. Zack exited the place and entered the restaurant. Nick was sitting down and eating a juicy steak. He looked up and made eye contact with Zack.


Nick said sorry as he continued to chew on that fat piece of steak.


Zack came close to his brother and gave him a big hug saying “it’s alright, next time you are hungry, invite me”

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