If in the future I think about one possession that my father had had during his life that really represent him I would think about his old good car. When I think about cars the first thing I get into my mind is that old white car, a Pointer 1998 model my father bought that same year. For him it represents the very first car he bought with his own money, he told me that he worked very hard to achieve it, and when he finally did he felt splendid, I think that after all the struggles he had had during all these years of having it he is still feeling the same way. I was born when I was seven months old inside my mom’s belly, due to that I was always sick, I had to attend almost every day to hospital. My mother told me that during those years my father was studying his master degree on another city, so my mom, with help of my grandmother, had to take care of me. She also told me that on those times they didn’t have enough money to take care of me, because of that my father start a part time job to get money for my daily consults on the hospital. But it was a struggle, he was on another city having to work for his only child that he could not see. After a lot of work he could get enough money to afford a car, but not a simple car, he got a powerful enough machine that could travel from city to city in no time. With this he could achieve his dream of seeing me every weekend. At this point (17 years from then) he still uses that same car, not because of an economic necessity but more of an emotional thing. Due to that I’ve had a lot of experiences with it. When I was still on elementary school my friends used to laugh at my father’s car because it was old, of course, since then I started to get mad with him. I remember once going to my father’s room to complain about it. Of course at that age I was not aware of all the value that it gave to him. Now If I think on that car memories return to head, memories from all my life, this car was not just a type of transportation, it was a place where I could talk with my father about anything. A place where I spent all my young life.