
It was a cold, early morning at Mount St. Helens, the day started with a rough tremor that had shaken away the drowsiness from Ray, an adult wolf that had been sleeping near the vicinity of the flank of the mount. He was surprised by the tremor that had taken place and somehow he knew that something wasn’t right, had he experienced this situation before he could’ve learned how to handle it more properly but this wasn’t the case and he needed to alert his brother, his only family, and to keep him safe from any possible danger.
He ran in the lookout for his brother, Sam, who was a little bit younger than Ray. He decided to look for him in the nearby hunting places that they’ve used to meet up to catch food. Ray spotted Sam and Sam was busy luring a small rabbit into a trap he assembled and just as the rabbit was in the range of Sam’s attack, he was scared away by the running wolf, Ray. Ray told Sam, “Sam, did you felt that?! We need to get off this place, now!”
Sam told his older brother, “Yes, brother, I did felt that, I did felt that entire ruckus you’ve just made that just scared away my food, and can you tell me, what I am supposed to eat now?”
Ray, being serious, tried to explain himself again; “Didn’t you felt the floor shake? I’m telling you brother, something bad is going on!”
Sam, still hungry and reluctant on hearing what his brother was trying to say to him; decided to get closer to the woods, he decided to walk uphill, getting nearer and nearer to the mouth of Mount St. Helens. Sam knew what Ray was talking about, he indeed felt the tremor but his hunger suppressed any thoughts about it, Sam tried to concentrate on the dangers waiting after the tremor but he couldn’t.
After several minutes of walking, Ray, being more experienced in hunting and tired of trying to get his brother’s attention, managed to quickly catch something for his brother and gave it to him while he was resting on the floor, Sam proceeded to eat the food and his mood had lifted a little, he was now prone to listen what his brother wanted to tell him several hours ago.
“Sam, we need to get as far as we can from this place! It isn’t safe; can’t you see those white clouds coming out of the mountain?! Haven’t you thought of your own safety? Our safety? Why are you so selfish?” Ray told to Sam in an angrily way. “I know Ray, I’m sorry; I was just really hungry, it won’t happen again” Sam told Ray in a humble way.
Ray and Sam began going downhill, worried about the fizzling noise that was starting to hurt their ears. They were scared now, the noise was unbearable and the ground began to shake uncontrollably, it was just mere moments before the eruption. Both brothers managed to get to a safe distance, and as soon as they turned around to see their homes for one last time, a massive explosion and a shockwave made them feel overwhelmed both by the massive ash cloud and loud bang. Both brothers exclaimed, “It’s the end of the world as we know it”
Moral – Know how to control your habits and desires, know that sacrifices must be made to ensure your safety and know what should be done before anything.

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