How Light killed Planet Earth


The sun shined for the very first time and elements were born. Each created a community of its own, first they growth their community's atmosphere, then they started to add life and at last they developed actual living creatures with a mind of its own. Years after, when the elements thought their own creatures were prepared, each element chose a representative to guide creatures through life in Planet Earth. Air chose Eagle, Water chose Octopus, Earth chose Groot, Fire chose Jaguar and Light chose Humankind, none of them knew anything about guiding but with time they became wise and every living creature respected them. Wildlife became a paradise, everyone could live happily surrounded by the other communities, except for humankind’s leader, he didn’t want to share his belongings, instead, he stole from others whenever the chance presented. He decided to talk to light who surprisingly agreed with him and lead him into each element’s younger community’s manipulation. There were no official gatherings to analyze Planet Earth’s development each element’s leader had to take care of any dilemma, so no one could notice that the younger ones were being convinced to rebel. Humankind started to question the decisions of the other elements leaders, he thought they were no longer capable of ruling their own communities. Therefore, Humankind, with his secret meetings with each community’s younger members managed to convince them to rebel against their leaders. They poisoned the elders’ minds too and got them to lock up their leaders and drove Planet Earth to an age of selfishness and madness. The lives of the living creatures on the planet were at serious risk but there was nobody to stop that terrible faith. Slowly, each one of the leaders started to die. The communities lost their path and Light acquired the leadership. He became the leader of an infructuous dark land, the new Planet Earth. Humankind never saw that coming, he thought he’d be the leader. The years passed by and Light keeps being the leader, the condition of Planet Earth have deteriorated and today the hope is almost inexistent. The few members of the communities that still alive fear of Light’s decisions and peacefully await for the end, hoping death will be more pleasant than life on Planet Earth. The planet itself is agonizing and Light contributes to its pain each day of the year.

The End 

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