Winter's Day



There is nothing so good; as a warm cosy home during the Winter time. Having a liesurley hour or two of glancing out of the kitchen window; watching the sun climb high in the sky and all whilst the the central heating spreads it's warm cheer; it could almost be Summer.

I miss the prescence of many different types of birds during the Winter season. Wildlife very sparse too.

T.V. viewing is a compulsive draw on a person's attention, especially on cold, dark evenings: although I do try to balance my viewing time; between historical dramatizatio, end of the world films and I must admit to liking most forms of detective series.

The days are so much shorter, it seems to me that house work, takes on a life of it's own and seems to take over the place; especialy the laundary.

Facebook is a good way of keeping in touch with family during the dark early evenings. I am in contact with  my family both here in Wales and as far away as Australia, where my sister lives.

Recently I have begun two acrylic paintings; one painting for each of my grandsons. The first picture is of a scene of an old fashion way; of horses being used to pull and sail the canal longboat barges. The scene I am painting records the horse having a rest near one of the cnal's locks; the location is Basingstoke canal during the nineteenth centuary and in all makes for a very picturesque scene. Another painting I am creating is about a farmer busy on his tractor sowing seeds to produce wheat and corn for bread and cereals; and also vegetables. This painting makes a good example of mechanization in the countryside on a more modern day era.

At weekends I like to take some time to practice my other hobby of creative writing. During the week I like to attend a mental health club; each week one of us chooses what subject we will write about. This piece of creative writing can tke various forms e.g. a letter, e-mail, essay, poetry, news article etc., or maybe even a short story.

I also belong to a poetry website, which is a good outlet for me and my poetic skills

On Thursday I like to visit Porthcawl and play a game of bingo at Awel-y-Mor community center, sometimes I even get to win a prize.

Winter days can seem endlessly long, filled with darkness and cold weather; however, so  long as I can enjoy my hobbies it seems the days are less gloomy.