
The moon may never beam,

And the stars will never rise

For this life is full of DEMISE

And now SHE is nothing but DREAMS.

Looking down at me her so called “God” above,

But what does “He” know of the SORROW of LOVE.

Waiting here in this VOID that used to be called LIFE

Trying to get through the PAIN and STRIFE.

Such as the acknowledgement of an external being that doesn’t exist.

Sure this separates us because I'm an ATHEIST.

But that shouldn’t matter we shouldn’t feel like two lost souls

Doing nothing but trying to navigate through this labyrinth of a fish bowl

Called love. But there is no more WE for SHE has left me

To “think things over” and to “get things straight” taking away all my days filled with GLEE.

Now I lay here in this dark room ALONE and AFRAID

Of what will meet me out there in the BITTER world.

No longer wishing to count the days for they are MEANINGLESS

To me without the other half to my heart.

Thus I write this poem of LONELINESS

Taking the bottle off its shelf in my heart and smashing it

To release a sea of EMOTIONS drowned on top of each other.

Though no matter how much pain and sorrow arrived

Not once have I felt ANGER for it is my FAULT

As well is it my fault that I cannot let go of HER

Much like a child flying a kite in a tornado I hold on

Knowing with all logic and reason I should let go but I don’t.

Though the worst part is the MASK of JOY I wear for friends and family

And what's so bad about it is that I can lie and pretend all I like

And they’ll believe it but sometimes I wonder

‘What is under this mask that I wear all the time?’

And I find that the ANSWER is



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Probably the only thing I'll post just needed to get things of my chest.

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