It seems like my entire lifetime
I've been putting on this show
and she sits in the audience
laughing at my life
they sit in the audience
laughing at my strife
Isn't there a script I can follow?
Some key lines to memorize?
Isn't there somewhere I can go?
to start to realize?
I'm living my life,
one day at a time
Should I be? I dont know,
but its racking my mind.
When I see hapiness in their hearts
but sadness everywhere else
I wonder what would tear them apart
and where they get their help.
I've been told a thousand times
just to rely on him
my heavenly father, my God
and I think I've let him in
but I'm scared to go much further
I'm too frightened to really trust
but I know I am able to
and I know that I must.