wearing the Noh mask


look at me


sighing with perception


that circle endurance
ascending to promise
then grabs


here are the moods




wearing the Noh mask




look at me

restrained in the pose of this prose
white mask captured
with the grin
of demise


lush parted lips


taste the heat


in these smoky feelings


tinted in trips
listening to soft mantras


look at me


descending towards
an invitation of embrace


look at me


taste the hunger
on the tip
of the tongue
feeling full quakes
of a beating heart




look at me


dream like


hungry with promises
of charms that lie beneath
drawing desire from a binding
believing every lie




mysterious limbs tangle


more burning


fevers rush in fiery force


ascending higher
a bursting climax
the sounds and movements


of dancing in the flames


seared and then reduced


in the smoldering afterglow
now the wind blows


the ashes of the fire
are strewn
and then forgotten


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