
at the gathering of literary tribes,

I wander in wonder with disparaged scribes.

feel the magic charm from their bulbous heads,

humming between velvet petals as your wetness spreads.

as we all attend, a media publicized event out in space.

while your last kiss is dripping down my face.

some how we are all out place,

not merely losing grace, but perhaps losing the human race.

slipping into midnight pouting,

my seed falls and begins sprouting.

little crazed paper tigers are fighting,

they growl at the darkness snarling, and biting.

teeth sharp consume all dreams and fantasies with a scent of neglect.

understand the appetite of older men who will not reflect.

they eat Barbie heads beneath the burial mound.

all of us are feeling so explicit and raw at theaters in the round.

developing drama's within embryonic eyeless sleep.

creeping and peeping in rubbish heaps where the only cost is dirt-cheap.

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