my own hands, sinuous calloused hands
in their bones, the hands of some weary worker
praying hands that dream back
the poet’s hands skilled at carving images
I knelt for as long as I could on the edge paradise
I felt storms that I could not keep score of in my seasons
hands of the millstone heart, and ruins of cold stone chimneys
with one finger on consciousness, in spirit gripped
and one finger selecting fantasy rising in the air
there were the hands of dreamy rainbow ancestries
and misty hands of pearls gathering rain from the sea
my broad hands and my broken hearts beneath darkened skies
unmistakable curtains of tears shattered by thunder
then the ears of my heart sufficiently hear the temporal blossoms of dogwood
while the eyes of my heart change color in the skies to sunshine
my tender heart arcs in pulsing passion deep within
my heart transformed my other hand like a virtue
virtue I did not own but still
my resting heart is unassuming
with calmness in and of this one heart
my heart newly descended from stars
an altar and bonded vessel
where my own hands are upon all my hearts