what it means to be

To be in love with a woman.

And gaze into her eyes.

Not wishing for anything but this second to endure.

Her lips part a sense of touch.

As his lips softly touch hers.

A soft, gradual kiss, passionate non-the-less.

Her arms tighten around his neck.

She pulls him close so close and yet not close enough..

She smiles as he looks down upon her.

Holding her in his arms, he whispers words of love.

He runs his fingers through her hair.

A hope for love, to be in love, love made for one another.

A hope they would keep 'for all time.

If not with each other then for each other.

Beautiful woman, I do not sulk at all hugless goodbye’s.

And I cover over fear. I do not complain.

For that is what it means to be

To be in love with a woman who is not here.

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