Even now, Enjoy All You Find.

Hyacinth garden

Even now, I can recall essential lovers and friends.

There is no likeness compares to you.

The future loses some significance in the end.

When I imagine passion as something new.

Though, I suffered through all of my resistance.

My time ended before things went too far.

I know a thousand times I think about your distance.

Still the same, today I see your shining star.

I have posture built on my own.

Nonetheless, times I remembered, a face, a date.

On this day of yours, I hope you celebrate.

Be happy, with those whom you love and not alone.

Memories of past times still thrill my mind.

I hope you take to heart my insight.

All about a show of love day and night.

I wish for you, Love, and to enjoy all you find.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Happy Birthday Patty Sweetie

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