
I wish there was some way to convey to the world that a thought is a personal endeavor.
A word is an imaginary weapon.

If humanity could pause and take a thoughtful breath maybe the cerebral bulbs would pop in a greater number.

It matters not what others project about your views.
Remain steadfast in your truths and all the glories, eternal or facing, will be granted.

Believe in what makes you strong.
Hold true to what makes your ship steady.
Fight hardest for what calms your soul.

But, respect that others are too aiming for these same liberties even if it conflicts with centuries of code and honor.

Respect another human’s freewill to ascend to any place of greatness as long no other is threatened during this process.

We are all free and we all deserve the chance to roam, learn, grow, and experience the wonders of the world and its inhabitants.

We all have our flaws.
As do we have our strengths.
We are all very different, but warrant the same right to live this life.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Being weary of the hatred set forth in this world, I make a stand. My words may not grammatically be spot on, but they speak the freedoms we all should share.

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