
When suns rise and angels fall there is only one to claim

The moon shall mix with waters silken,

With meadows of shadow following suit.

Just one drop of glittered-oil beams on my face, greeting me.


This oils falls lightly from tranquil depths of mountain eyes

Seeing light and dark both mix within the scented sphere.

Inside the swirling, amber hues trapped within

Another greeting, with smiles ablaze, is found.


What radiance is this? What cantor?

The smells so sweet conjoined in me always but never sound

How now do I feel rapture in this whirlwind of emotion

As a silence draws our every breath to a thunderous heart beat?


Lightning flashes strong in my oft-used heart,

Shows purity where I felt none exist

And innocence too! Though the storm may fade

The winds will whirl forever, whistling on.


And on and on, this face, this One.

It is nothing as expected. It bonds eternity.

I have no external portions, only within.

It will never be, never be. Like this now, forevermore.


A piece of you, of me, for ever,

Carved with fire frozen from the depths of my soul

Melting away, yielding gently scented oil

Burying the memory of you to nest within my heart.


But what of the Other? What esper of light shines forth?

Can this be matched? Am I too willed by convictions?

Why must I question the nature of sanctity?

To all that is holy, can this be known?


My reason fails and sleeps until the morn,

Woken by bitter, revealing lights of dawn.

Till then, I know, no questions need be asked

And answers fade as demons with angels play.


Assuredly we walk the stream of knowledge and truth.

As fish, blindly seen to the eye, so truths be told.

The Other wades in waters sleek, as depths immerse forgotten, untold thoughts.

Plainly, I see it now, no color, no smell, no light.

Sound rings in me, searing pain.


The laughing shark of rictus grin

Lured by uncommon waves of happiness

As dizzily we drink and toast the sky,

Paints the stars, in all Earth's glory. . .


Dark!!......One night it is and all is the same.

But nothing right it suddenly slips cold.

The murderer draws knife to blindly stab heart's convictions.

And quickly, subtly, as in some long forgotten, ill-fated dream

There lies the sweetest smell that death can render....rank.


This thrashing draws the shark yet closer in

With ghastly smile and putrid stench, to slake its thirst

Upon the drops of ruddish hue that bleed

As I vainly try to keep my memories from congealing on the water

And floating uncontrollably away.


A child it will make of you now, if not in portions

Then in character. It swims slyly around in eternal mockery.

And never you thought the day would come

When sweet oil turns to stark ashes,

Absorbed of its very essence.


The candle sputters defiantly, then dims

No more wick nor oil nor light shall ever be seen.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, go the heavens.

Another star lost as the sky slowly returns to dawn.


Eyes wide shut you depart from a grounded mark

Seemingly lingering in place. "Open your eyes young soul," say the trees,

"You've much to do. The sky is only blue

And there's a tapestry to be painted!"


"Gather up the scattered yarn

Of yellows, reds, greens, lives and deeds.

But do not open your eyes yet--

The third can see more true."


Harping heart strings pay tribute to that not known

And the unknown unknown is frightening indeed for.....it is not known!

"What lies ahead for me, Oh Wise Redwood?

What savvy unicorns await? You think they'll suit me, do you!?"


On through the door that sprouts from One

To fathom the depths of wisdom and gargoyles

A redwood plum line. Can any fathom

The possibility in grains of oaken tines?


It can only be something so absurd, so abstract.

If that is the path it leads than must I question?

I've felt no need to trust it before but now it seems the only way.

Take one step, large for me. For mankind, it is existence.


And oh! What crystal abstraction it is

Polished so seemingly and buried so deep

Even the tides of insanity cannot reach it

Though bedrock it is, upon which to add the whole of humanity.

This foundation is seemless, flawless,.....pure.

There always, though buried deep. The foundation of that rooted spot of earth.

This is why it held truths, bore witness to my pain.

How did I not see it? My essence, my being,.....my Savior.


Yet deep within that glowing amber mold

Hiding, lies a Loki, a Raven, a Puck.

Waiting to release the fragrant centered oils

That, twisting through themselves, shepherd reality into dreams.


Walking I wonder, "Does Heaven burn like it does here?"

I turn and see the apparition of the.....One.

Comets fall and angels rise

Never knowing what price is paid.

A stead-fast heart is promising

But love will never be sway'd.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Co-authored by Chris Wong-Sick-Hong

Though classis and timeless, the story of how one falls for another never ceases to reveal.

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