Just One of those Things

Rattle my cage with poetic injustice

Refuel my mind with incoherent nonsense

Just smile and nod while I rant and rave

And step aside while I pave the way

Without any tools I will clear this path

Turning each pebble, now you do the math

Let go of my hand and see if I care

My regard for life is now thin as air

Not towards all, just to the ones that feel the same

Killing for no reason as if this were merely a game

So this is the reason we stopped

      Four of us staring down

An entire section stopped

      For this dead man lying on the ground

Lying on his back

      His eyes still open wide

Now he rests in peace

      All because bullets tore right through his side

Well he's still here

      Arms open waiting for life's embrace

With one shoe off

      Maybe this column of ants can carry him from this place

Not like they'd have to take him far

      He's already half in the bushes  

            Only feet from the canal

Now why don't we just leave?

      And forget it all, though I'm not sure how

Then comes the worthless question

      "Hey Doc, can you bring him back?"

            Shit I wish I could....

But it's far too late

      He's been dead all damn night

            Body's about as hard as wood...

It's over

It's done

I can't do a thing

Welcome to another day

In a country where even the birds refuse to sing...

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