Cant Seem to Let you Go


Why is it that
I know I should let you go
Yet, I cant seem too?
Why is it that
You have my heart
No matter how hard I try
To forget you I cant??
Why is it that
I cant let you go?
Why is it so hard
To let you go?
Why cant I move on?
Why does my heart still
Beat for you?
Why do I sigh at night
And cry my self to sleep
Over you?
Why did you have to capture my heart
Just to break it anyway?
Why am I so foolish
To love with my whole heart
When the other person doesnt
Why oh Why
Does this happen to me?
Hopefully soon the pain and aches
Of my beating heart
Will stop once the pain slowly fades
After years of not seeing you
Or will it be the death of me

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