The character of a person isn’t always as it seems!

The character of a person isn’t always seems!

When my aunt

Passed away in October

Of last year it was one

Rougher road we

All didn’t want to travel

Down because of how much my

Aunt was loved and known

By a lot of people in our town!

Even though we don’t like to see

Those we love the most go

We know they’re in a better place

Even though we forever  miss seeing

Their faces from day to day and hearing

Their voices and miss the way they would always phase Certain things! It still never eases the pain

Of our love ones not being here with us to celebrate

Holidays or birthdays even though we know

They’re in a much better place especially

Considering the way this world is

Slowly falling apart day by day

Minute by minute and

Hour by hour! That’s

Why I don’t under stand why

One of my aunt’s

Daughter’s is acting

So childish about

Certain things

Knowing this world is

Sinking fast and

After they promised

My aunt they wouldn’t never act

That way. I’ve learned

That some people’s characters

Isn’t always as it seems!

Dec 4th 2008

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