One of the most exciting festivals,
Holi is a thrill to be filled
Holi says in a wonderful way,
That no matter our color or status,
Or what our origin might lay!
We are one,
We all are here to have great fun!
Lets pour some color on each other
Lets leave our fights and grudges forever!
This is the moment to unite with love!
This is the moment to Thank God above!
We have to pick the deeper meaning of Holi now!
It just does not mean entertainment any how!
The lord is sending a message strong,
Oneness is not just for today but should be eternally long!
We celebrate each festival with total spirit for that day!
But the test of life is to live with the festive moral everyday!
Festivals will come and go!
It is up to us to imbibe with all the good thoughts and never go cheap and low!
What meaning is there in life,
If we have not changed for the good!
Festivals then mean nothing as they should!
God has created every festival with a value to it,
Hold the knowledge within, divinity you will lit!!