A sparkling jewel in the night

Mackinac Bridge

~A Ponygirl Design~


When something terrible happens we always find someone to blame,to accuse,we're unfair,we're not longer that strong,

It doesn't matter if in reality its his or her fault, that person is already in our eyes, guilty!

But let me tell you, that sometimes it's not so, and that we can all be deadly wrong,

When we are hurt or angry sometimes we all need to vent our frustation and pain in something or someone we know,

Everything looks so grand, so perfect when they just flow and go our own way,

But then when one bad thing happens,that's all it takes, that's when all hell turns loose,and we blame everybody around,

Maybe we already knew that things were bad to start with, but did nothing about it and that's when they get worse,

Bad things tend to pile up little by little too, till one day they will tumble on us all down,

We are looking for trouble and sorrow,when we ignore things we need to attend to and quickly fix too,

Trouble could be written all over the walls and it will catch up with us sooner or later in our life, in our climb,

Man's nature is to find always someone to blame for our own mistakes, someone in our painful moments to hurt, don't you see?

We might blame God, we might blame the goverment, we blame just anyone but ourselves for own shortcomings all the time,

It doesn't make any sense to us,why horrible things take place,and why this and that happens we all wonder why and how,

Well these are all a mystery to me too, but God knows best I believe, and that's all I need from Him to know!


Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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