


Yeah, it’s so

fucking esoteric

I mean,

I don’t really

give a shit

about your migraines

or your brother’s ex-wife

that screwed him

I mean, hey,

wives are supposed

to screw their husbands

maybe not

in that fashion

but let’s not

get technical

and I don’t care

if that queen that

does your hair

cancels your appointment

because he has a date

It’s really not

my business

and I’d like it

to stay that way

I like being

in the dark

on these things

I really,

quite honestly,

don’t need to know

it’s just not

that important

I really don’t like gossip

I don’t dig details;

every minute detail

in graphic descript

of some guy’s vasectomy

or how they make scrapple

please don’t tell me

don’t ruin it for me

I don’t need to know

Hell, I’ll be

perfectly honest, dear:

I don’t wanna know

and I don’t really

wanna know

if it ain’t none of my business

I don’t mind it

and that’s the way

the way

I’d like to keep

all these things

no shitting:

that’s really

just the way I feel


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