25th Amendment

Scitilop Politics


Congress has become adept at quick passage of bills. What If? Less than two weeks before new government forms, Donald J. Trump may be removed from offce. He may not be fit: unable to discharge the duties of his office. After all the lies and careers destroyed, he might be out via his own undoing. Pence in '24.


It is about the military and the nuclear codes. Once 25 is evoked, he loses all power. The people voting him out are the people he sent a mob to do harm. Unstable cat? Yep.

I'd breathe easier. The Rump said in a Tweet he wished now for a peaceful transition of power. His social platform accounts are banned. Possibly forever. Some messages were deleted. The Don is now unable to Tweet on Twitter. Good move! FB finally got the E-message. Hard to continue the Coup without a stage to launch it from. Congress, bye the bye, confirmed Joey Bi and khammie H. Would somebody please call Stacey A and tell her to stop grinning.


Only 6 Republicans voted against election results. That was fast! Republicans become patriots when bullets fly their way. 4 people died. Mrs. Gretchen Whittmer "That Woman From Michigan" called for calm and fidelity to the nation over party and personality. Her

would be abductees are going free.


25 is a great number. As a poet, I like

the word "Fidelity".


Lady A



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Prophetic! It got better. Gretche will run again and Supremists stormed the Capitol. Go usa! :D

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