
Unlocked Poetry
Karyn Indursky
A poet's mind is locked
in chains of private thoughts
until the writers hand unleashes
shares a part of themselves with you
through creative poetry unlocked by keys
of imaginations and variations of comprehension.
Like it! ... Writing opens
Like it! ...
Writing opens doors unseen,
Analogies hidden, what do they mean?
Stoked with gentleness sublime,
Release so many jewels of time,
Underneath unspoken words,
So many things go left unheard,
Life a mystery, within is a poet,
Dare to write so you can know it!!
Inspired by Poetic_Eyes
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
nightlight take that poem, title it, put it on your page, and put your link on my page. i'm flattered i could inspire you.