
Family & Friends

You were in my arms before
you saw the earth's light.
I held your hand while it
clasped the captive water
below my heart.


I saw that gaze that drinks
in all it touches before I
knew the color of your eyes,
and countless times we
explored the world together
for the first time
before we met face to face,


before that moment I wished
was a statue forever posing.


You must have been waiting
in heaven during my
conversations with God.


I told Him what I wanted
from life,
and He told me what He wanted
from me,
and there you were--
what I wanted.


You may not have been in
my dreams,
but now you are my dreams,
my beautiful Pauline.


by Patricia Joan Jones

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my daughter. First published in 'Patterns of Life'.  

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allets's picture

Beautifully Wrought

Enjoyed the heavenly envokement. Daughters are special. ~S~



patriciajj's picture

Can't imagine my life without

Can't imagine my life without her. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

onelilartist's picture

I've enjoyed this wonderful time of meeting your family through your eyes. It has truly been a pleasure.

You will definitely see more of me here on your pages.

Jessica onelilartist